My Debut Novel is Here!
The Wool Over Their Eyes is a story about a bi-racial woman, Natalia Foster, who has been the family secret that was meant to go to her father’s grave. Her life changes when she learns her biological father, Joe Russo – an Italian man she’s never met – is dying of a terminal illness. His immediate family, including his devoted wife, Rosa, know nothing of her existence. With her gray eyes – exactly like Joe’s – she’s living proof of his infidelity, making a mockery of Rosa’s marriage. If his family discovered the truth – that she is not only illegitimate but also Black – family bonds would be shattered. Will she remain the secret or make herself known?
In the midst of the drama and pain is also a love story. Natalia must choose between two loves – a long-lost one and a new one. Her ex-boyfriend, Tyler Davis, who captured her heart and connected with her soul, resurfaces. But she meets a handsome doctor, David Duplessis, who’d cared for her father. Just as the relationship begins to blossom, he commits an act that severs her trust and sends her spiraling further into her dark abyss.
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ABOUT Dione Martin
Dione Martin was born and raised in New Orleans, where she spent much of her childhood and teen years reading.
​The Wool Over Their Eyes is her debut novel.
Dione earned her Bachelor’s in English from the University of Minnesota-Morris and her Master’s in Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin. She is currently a PR Consultant at Givelify and is working on her next novel.
​She lives in Richardson, Texas with her youngest daughter and enjoys working out, cooking/eating, traveling, and attending performing arts events.